It’s desolate here. It is 4:30 in the morning on a Wednesday night and I am pretty sure I may be the only person in the office building besides the guy downstairs printing my presentations which need to be at my Director’s house by 8AM so they can go with him on the plane. Speaking of that guy, Andy I think, he is a little too nice. See generally the print room messes things up, generally at the worst possible times. Well not Andy, tonight I was (notice the past tense) on a deadline and Andy made it happen. Small problem though, I made an error, nothing new really but generally someone will catch it before we go to print. So after Andy printed out and bound these masterful fifty slide presentations, I villainously asked him to rip them apart and re-insert a page because I had put someone junior on top of someone senior on the team listing page, a big no-no in Europe. Andy was Johnny on the spot with this, all over it, made the change for me and is redoing the work as I write. I almost wanted to fight with him just to keep my rep up with the other (inept) print room guys who were there. Can’t have Andy telling everyone I was nice, I eat people.
Anyway, to be honest, part of me wonders who is watching. Who knows what I am doing at the moment, if I were to take off all my clothes and run in circles, would I make YouTube? The cleaners don’t care if they’re on camera; they are far too busy taking siestas to come empty my trash barrel. I have decided I’ll stack the trash and let them play Jenga with it later. Rude? Maybe. I’m off to chat with Andy, he just called to tell me my printing is done, what a guy.
PS: I’m barefoot, hope my MD doesn’t stroll in anytime soon….
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49 minutes ago