Some hear about the interview process to become an investment banker and think wow those guys must get it good once they get an offer. Well they could not be farther from the truth. I'm not basing this on rumors from older analysts, this isn't a scare tactic, analysts really do beg to be bitches. Let's take my first ten days in London as an example...
I arrived on Saturday morning, the corporate accommodation is great, a Ferrari or two in the car park, Lamborghini, you get it. Well it's all a tease, truth be told I needed to pass FSA exams before training started in 10 days. No drinking, no welcome to London pub night, I've got to hit the books for a solid week non-stop to have any chance of passing. They give us three days of formal exam training instead of the normal minimum of five simply because they can. Oh and for those lucky few of us, we were expected to be working on deals for our managers because hey, why not. We're in the city, it's not like our managers feel they need to care about our exams, that's our problem, not theirs. The classic story is one of Luc, a Parisean graduate, who unluckily enough for me was working on a project with me. Luc decided after the three days of exam training that he couldn't be bothered by this shit, packed up his things, and took the next Eurostar home, leaving the job behind. Now that's style...
Just the beginning I'm sure, so stay tuned for Begging to be Bitches Part Deux once "full-time" work starts after training in five weeks.
Six Barbell Picks For A Turbulent Market
55 minutes ago
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